Thursday, March 19, 2015

Super Street Fighter IV - As seen by a 3½ year old girl

And now for something completely different: my top ten moments that came from playing Super Street Fighter IV with my 3½ year old daughter.

1. On Blanka

"He's Pascal. He's green and orange."
She, like many girls her age, is obsessed with the movie Tangled, so this wasn't surprising.

2. On Dhalsim

"He's different. The girls are better than him."
Better... why? I don't know. But speaking of the girls....

3. On C. Viper

"She kind of looks like a doctor, with those X's in her ears."
I don't follow her logic, but she proceeded to call C. Viper 'The Doctor' every time she saw her.

4. On C. Viper's ultra combo, Burst Time

"...I could do that."
She then spun around in circles in front of the Xbox, which she seemed to think was a successful attempt.

5. On Dee Jay

"He's a baninja! He has baninja things on him!"
...Yeah, I don't know what a 'baninja' is, or what he's wearing that qualifies as a 'baninja thing'.

6. On Chun-Li's vocalizations

"She said something! 'Hergoken!' She don't know what she said."
Glass houses. That's all I'm going to say.

7. On M. Bison

"Why is he showing his pink thing to us?"
I tried to tell her it was Psycho Power. She refused to listen.

8. On Hakan and his oil shower

"Is that gross, Dad?"
As far as you're concerned, yes, it is. Despite this comment, Hakan was her favorite character, hands down.

9. On Sagat

"He's a pirate. He might win, with that mustache."
...Pretty sure she meant to say eye patch.

10. On Dudley

"He looks like a baker! But our baker doesn't have a mustache...."
...She completely lost me here. We don't even have a baker.