Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dragon Age II Playthrough - Introduction

At the end of my Dragon Age: Origins playthrough, I said I was going to try something different next. Then this happened.

YES. Yes, BioWare, I'm going to play Dragon Age II now.

So, let's start with a brief overview of what the sequel brings to the series: rather than a direct continuation of the events of Dragon Age: Origins, this game focuses on one of the many families in Ferelden that fled the kingdom when the darkspawn invaded. The Hawke family are all new characters, and most of the game takes place in a new city. This means that you don't see characters from the first game except for the occasional cameo, and many gamers were frustrated by the repetitive scenery of this new city. The combat is more dynamic, but less strategic. Leveling up is less of a chore but there are also fewer options for specialization, especially for your companions.

Undeniable plus side: FELICIA DAY DLC

To say this game received a mixed reception would be an understatement. I honestly didn't think it was a bad game, but it wasn't what many fans expected. Some backlash was deserved, some wasn't. One thing's for sure, though: I won't be able to repeat the "chaotic stupid" style of the last playthrough. This game uses a Mass Effect style dialogue wheel with three options instead of the list of options you'd get in Origins. Our future companions will be relieved at least, knowing they won't have to deal with another Amastacia.

Unfortunately for them, I'm going to use a different flavor of irrationality. In Mass Effect, certain conversations include multiple opportunities to act like a paragon or renegade. Nothing says you have to be consistent, though. In fact, if you switch between the two attitudes with every line for Commander Shepard's first speech to his crew, it results in one of the funniest scenes in the game. Since Dragon Age II doesn't give you morality points but uses essentially the same dialogue system, they're practically encouraging us to be bipolar! So let's see how that goes....


Hawke is a human. No multiple race options this time. BioWare says they'll be back in Dragon Age: Inquisition. We can customize gender, skin tone and physical appearance, though. Considering that our character will be prone to frequent mood swings, it seems in poor taste to make a female. Hawke will be another male protagonist.

Tonight we dine... on dated movie references!

The default male Hawke resembles Gerard Butler in 300 with a perpetual blood stain on his nose. You cannot, however, attack enemies with a front kick while yelling "This! Is! KIRKWALL!" We're going to change things up so we don't have a constant reminder of this wasted opportunity. One of my friends is often frustrated by the lack of people of color in western RPGs and Kirkwall is definitely a predominantly white city. Might as well add to the diversity by making our character dark-skinned (as dark as the game allows it, anyway). We'll keep the beard of awesome, though.

Next, we have to pick a class. One big problem I had in Origins was the lack of a primary healer due to Wynne being another victim of Amy's indecision. To ensure that doesn't happen again, we're going to have Hawke fill that role. Mage it is.

Last, his name. This is important. Someone from BioWare could potentially be watching. The first time I played this game, I sarcastically named my warrior Commander Hawke. Can't do that again. Need to be respectful of their creative vision. Okay. Our character will be known as:

Chickene Hawke.

...Crap, I blew it.

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